Fiona Pocock Fiona Pocock

Bronco fitness test

Fitness testing is tough but it’s a fantastic way to see where you are and track progress. Here’s how to complete the Bronco - the chosen method by Harlequins!

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Fiona Pocock Fiona Pocock

How to lunge

The lunge is a very important exercise as it armours against injury and improves our change of direction ability.

Learn the technique and take your training and performance to the next level.

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Fiona Pocock Fiona Pocock

How to hinge

The hinge strengthens the posterior chain - hamstrings, glutes, lower back, mid back - which is vital for spine stability during rugby.

Learn the technique and take your training and performance to the next level.

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Fiona Pocock Fiona Pocock

How to squat

The squat is a very important exercise in your armoury as it has a lot of carry-over to actions on the pitch.

Learn the technique and take your training and performance to the next level.

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Fiona Pocock Fiona Pocock

RAMP up your warm up

Something as simple as doing a proper warm up is often overlooked but it can significantly improve your training outcome and reduce your risk of injury. A RAMP warm up is an effective mantra for all your warm ups be it for a gym session or a game.

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Fiona Pocock Fiona Pocock

The 7 foundations for strength

We break strength training in to seven movements which define all the human movement patterns that relate to sport. These are: Squat - Hinge - Lunge - Push - Pull - Brace - Twist

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Fiona Pocock Fiona Pocock

How to perform a deadlift

The deadlift is one for the most important compound lifts in your armoury. They’re a fantastic way to develop strength related to rugby but you need to have good technique in order to get the most out of it and to perform it safely.

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