Bronco fitness test

It’s preseason testing week! Measure your Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) with the Bronco 1200m shuttle run test and get training NOW.

MAS refers to the lowest speed at which VO2 max occurs. In other words - the speed at which your aerobic energy system is most optimally utilised.

We measure this speed so we can accurately programme conditioning sessions and track training in order to improve your aerobic fitness.

This method is used by Allianz Premier 15’s winners Harlequins Women amongst many other successful teams in the world.

Download the FEEPO Bronco Testing Manual now and test your fitness. This manual calculates your fitness level for you!

Once you know your fitness level you can more accurately design conditioning sessions.

The download includes:

  • bronco test protocol

  • MAS Calculator

(downloads to Excel or Google Sheets)

Want to learn more? Check out our Preseason guidelines and take your training to the next level.


What to do with your fitness test score


How to lunge